Making Massive Changes

Making Massive Changes

Making Massive Changes - Rose Hulseywith janelle jonesAm I going to make a massive change in this position? Our guest is Rose Hulsey on today's episode of The Janelle Show. Rose is the founder and CEO of Screen Hits TV. She was a politician who transitioned into...

Journey During The 4 Age Phases

Journey During The 4 Age Phases

Journey During The 4 Age Phases - Twila Truewith janelle jonesDon't let the environment detect your life for you. You can be the difference you desire. Twila True is our guest on the show today. She is the CEO and co-founder of True Family Enterprises - a privately...

Black Women and Entrepreneurship

Black Women and Entrepreneurship

Black Women and Entrepreneurship - The Importance of Mental Wellnesswith janelle jonesBlack women have to support themselves; it doesn't matter if they know each other or not. Jamie Clarke; our guest on today's episode is the owner of soul paradise. She is a spiritual...

Avoid The Learning Curve

Avoid The Learning Curve

Avoid The Learning Curve - Jillian Michaelswith janelle jonesYou don't know what you don't know; common sense is not common; you need help! On today's episode of the Janelle Show, Our guest is Jillian Michaels. Our guest for today is Jillian Michaels. Jillian is a...

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy with Video Producer Toya Glennwith janelle jonesDiscover the strategy that works best for you and boom! In today's episode of the Janelle show, we have Toya Glenn as our guest. Toya was a social media manager who lost her job due to the pandemic, so...

Setting Yourself Up for Success

Setting Yourself Up for Success

Setting Yourself Up For Successwith janelle jonesWe can do small things that can change the projectile of our lives. In this episode, Janelle advised people to set themselves up in the area of whatever thing they do. If you're not into business and you're working, is...

It’s Time To Thrive

It’s Time To Thrive

It's Time to Thrivewith janelle jonesIt takes action to thrive. Ditch your regrets. Our guest for today is Renea O'Neill, a mother of two and a life transformation coach; helping mothers design their dream lives and businesses, ditch their regrets and become better...

Sex Therapy Shouldn’t be a Taboo

Sex Therapy Shouldn’t be a Taboo

Sex Therapy Shouldn't be a Taboowith janelle jonesTrauma loves trauma! Michelle Wilde is our guest for today's episode. Michelle is a female entrepreneur with a business that she grow to six figures. She is a mom and she is divorced. She shared the journey of how she...

The Essence of Organic Marketing

The Essence of Organic Marketing

The Essence of Organic Marketing - How to Leverage it to Build a Sustainable Brandwith janelle jonesThe essence of organic marketing is to build and sustain your brand identity. Charmaine Fuller is our guest on the show today. Charmaine is a parent mentor and advocate...

How to Create CEO

How to Create CEO

How to Create CEO Success Loop Strategies as an Individual With ADHDwith janelle jonesBe willing to work, you'll realize the worth with time. Our guest for today is Danielle Rakson. Danielle is the founder/CEO of Be Boss Girl, LLC, ADHD life coach, and SEO Link...